I have three covers for the first book of The World According to Dragons, representing the three forms that the dragon takes. Artist Daniel Kamaruddin started on these covers in Feb/March of 2022. He was aware of the concept and also the nature of the main character, who is a relic hunter that uses magical objects and cunning over weapons (although he can use weapons too!).
The problem was, they covers were all good, especially when paired with the great font design by Shawn King.
So I did what any sane author would do - I put them up for a vote for about a week on my website.
From left to right - dragon warrior cover, dragon summoning cover, vordic (wyrm) dragon cover.
Nearly 200 readers voted (and thanks to those who voted), and it became clear that option 3 was the winner, with option 2 close behind. My favorite of the set, option 1, came in last! Boo….
There were certainly questions as to why the dragon looked different on the covers, which I should have anticipated. It’s not spoiler territory as these transformations happen in the first book
If I were to do it again, I would explain that aspect on the form, but that’s fine. We have a cover now, actual readers chose it, and we have two other covers that will become the second and third books in the series (option 2 the second, option 1 will be the third.
Thanks to those who voted, and check out my other blogs about the The World According to Dragons, which releases on October 26th.
Read an overview of the new series here.
Learn about the main character here.
Check out the usage of yokai and other mythlogical creatures here.